The Wordplay List

Creating this is like a spinning game show wheel. Will it be numbers? Animals? Topography? Shapes? and then slowly slowly the wheel tick tick ticks to a stop and we have landed at:

The Wordplay List: Skywise

Keep your wits about you this time - albums and band names count today!

  • ASG, Survive Sunrise
  • Dusk, Dusk
  • Mayday Parade, Sunnyland
  • Marisa Anderson, Cloud Corner
  • Swim Good Now, Daylight
  • Sunny Levine, Notions
  • Sun June, Years
  • Johnny Marr, Call the Comet
  • Krrum, Honeymoon

Yeah yeah, the last one is a stretch, but I feel like only one being a stretch is pretty good for me. Listen on for a pretty random playlist united by wordplay!